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Serving Montanans and those seeking abortion care in Montana
MAAP provides access to abortion care that ensures no one is denied an abortion because of their inability to pay. We offer financial, practical (covering the costs of travel, lodging, food, and/or childcare), and emotional support to our clients. We trust our clients to know their bodies and needs best. We are a Montana-based nonprofit and affiliate of the National Network of Abortion Funds.
In 2023, we changed our name from the Susan Wicklund Fund to the Montana Abortion Access Program to be more clear about what we do and to make it easier for people to find us.
We work with folks facing barriers to accessing abortion care, including both Montanans and folks seeking abortion care in Montana. Abortion is legal in Montana and we are here to ensure that it’s accessible, too.
We support those seeking abortions. We can offset the cost of the abortion care appointment, travel, lodging, food, and childcare, and we provide emotional support along the way. If you or a loved one is in need of any of this support, please apply.
When you donate to MAAP, you’re ensuring a person can access their right to abortion care. You’re protecting their bodily autonomy and you’re making space for their empowerment.
Depending on our clients’ needs, we can cover the cost of the abortion care appointment, travel, lodging, food, and childcare. We trust our clients to know their bodies and needs best, and work with them to ensure they can access the abortion care they need.