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MAAP collaborates with the qualified healthcare providers who are responsible for your care- people who share our dedication to empowerment and bodily autonomy. We trust you to make the healthcare decisions that are best for your unique needs. These are some of the clinics we work with most closely. (If you work for a provider, please get in touch about establishing a relationship with us.)
Whitefish, Montana
406-730-8682 or online scheduling available
Missoula, Montana
Billings, Great Falls, Helena, and Missoula, Montana
1-406-443-7676 or online scheduling available
Billings, Great Falls, Helena, and Missoula health centers all provide:
In addition, the Helena health center provides:
Seattle, Renton, and Tacoma, Washington
If you are beyond Montana’s gestational age limit (21 weeks 6 days) you may be referred to Cedar River Clinics.
Casper, Wyoming
If you are beyond Montana’s gestational age limit (21 weeks 6 days) you may be referred to Wellspring Health Access
Find an abortion provider near you here.