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Our Mission

The Montana Abortion Access Program (MAAP) protects and fosters reproductive autonomy by providing access to abortion care through financial, logistical, and emotional support.

Our Impact

In 2024, MAAP supported 516 people. Applications for support increased by 60% in the past 6 months.

We remain committed to meeting the clearly growing need for support accessing abortion care.

Supporting Montanans

Montanans make up 86% of the clients that we serve.*

Parents & Caregivers

36% of our 2024 clients have children*

Unstable Living Environments

16% of 2024 clients* are experiencing unstable living environments or are unhoused

445+ miles round-trip

Those we supported traveled 445+ miles round-trip, on average, to access an abortion provider in the Mountain West; out-of-state applications increased by 7x from 2020 to 2023.

*of clients who responded.

Our Vision

We envision a world where everyone has the freedom, autonomy, and holistic support to make the decisions that are best for their lives, families, and community.

We envision a society that affirms and supports the right to exercise bodily autonomy, irrespective of power, privilege, or positionality.

In this world, abortion care is readily available, safe, and compassionate.

Our Values

MAAP Values

MAAP’s logo illustrates our commitment to providing equitable access to abortion care. The top half of the logo, the bitterroot flower, is the state flower of Montana and is known for its resilience, strength, and perseverance. The bitterroot’s ability to thrive in challenging environments — such as rocky or dry soils — mirrors MAAP’s commitment to enduring despite difficult circumstances.

Taken in its entirety, the logo is a circle in shape, connoting security and strength. The half-circle shape of the bitterroot flower implicitly resembles a sunrise, symbolizing our continuity and reliability in facilitating autonomy, empowerment, and liberation.

MAAP Values
Empowerment Access Autonomy and Solidarity Equity and Accountability Gratitude The Root System


We believe that each person is capable of making the best choices for themself and that we can best serve our communities by honoring people’s choices. Those closest to the problems have the best solutions and we hold this as we support our clients to make the abortion care decisions that are right for them.


We understand that the rights and laws surrounding abortion do not reflect the complete picture of abortion access. True, holistic access means creating and fostering the conditions for people to meaningfully exercise their right to bodily autonomy. We facilitate access by alleviating, navigating, and advocating against barriers to accessing abortion care for as many people as possible and especially for those with the most marginalized identities.

Autonomy and Solidarity

We are committed to creating a world in which people are able to exercise their right to autonomy over their own bodies. We recognize that abortion is one small thread in the larger tapestry of bodily autonomy and stand in solidarity with other interlinked movements and people committed to fighting for this fundamental right.

Equity and Accountability

Through an intersectional lens, we recognize and address the systems of oppression that privilege certain identities while marginalizing others. We are committed to continuously learning about, addressing, and alleviating the barriers to abortion access created by these systems. Our goal is to provide equitable support that respects diverse lived realities, considering intersecting power, privilege, and positionality. We hold ourselves accountable to this commitment and strive to better serve those most affected by limited access to abortion care.


We are profoundly grateful for the opportunity to carry out this work, supported by our community, collaborators, and donors. The work we do today is an extension of the work done by generations to protect and enhance abortion care and we deeply appreciate the legacy of care we continue. We are grateful to be able to support our clients in accessing the care they need, despite our commitment to building a world where this work isn't necessary.

The Root System

The bottom half of the logo, the root system, represents the radical nature of our work. The inclusion of roots reflects both our commitment to deep transformation and our active work towards transforming the systems of oppression that structure our society.

The roots also demonstrate that we are grounded deeply in our values and mission to provide abortion access. The roots symbolize that the barriers to abortion care are often below the surface, not readily visible, and hard to untangle, just like the intersectional and reinforcing systems of oppression that we are working to address by providing meaningful access to abortion care.

Print Resources

The postcard below has information on the clinics in the state, and the two-pager has information on MAAP and our impact. Please feel free to print these out for use at events.

MAAP is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and an affiliate of the National Network of Abortion Funds.