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Ways to Give in the Future

Outright Gifts

Arrange to donate stocks, bonds, or other personal property to MAAP. We’ll work with you to maximize the impact to our work, and your tax benefits. If you are interested in supporting us in this way, please contact us at [email protected] and we are happy to help.

Cash or Pledged Gifts

When asked, donors usually respond by writing a check. They may, however, choose to make commitments over a period of time. For gifts up to $1000, that period is usually one year. For larger gifts, stretching payments over multiple years can increase the size of the gift or extend its tax advantages.

Qualified Charitable Distribution

When individuals take distributions from their IRAs, it usually counts as income for tax purposes. QCDs, also called IRA Charitable Rollovers, are an exception. Individuals 70½ year of age or older can distribute up to $100,000 each year from their IRAs to their favorite 501(c)(3) organizations without counting the distribution as income.


Marketable securities held long term are becoming a very popular way to make gifts. These gifts of appreciated property can greatly support MAAP’s work and also create an immediate income tax deduction for you based on their current value. And, because there is no capital gains tax when you make the gift, you save on taxes twice.

Planned Gifts

Give money or property through a will or living trust, and continue your own tradition of support well into the future. If you are interested in supporting us in this way, please contact us at [email protected] and we are happy to help.


A gift of cash or property made through a will or living trust continues your tradition of giving.

Charitable Remainder Trusts

By placing assets in a charitable trust, you or your designated beneficiary can enjoy lifetime income from the trust and tax benefits at the same time. Upon termination of the trust the remainder goes to MAAP.

Life Insurance

With MAAP named owner and beneficiary of a paid-up insurance policy, MAAP gains support and you receive a charitable deduction.