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MAAP was originally founded in 2009 as the Trust Women Fund and then became the Susan Wicklund Fund in 2014. In 2023, we changed our name from the Susan Wicklund Fund to the Montana Abortion Access Program (MAAP) to be more clear about what we do and to make it easier for people to find us. Our work has remained the same: we provide access to abortion care that ensures no one is denied an abortion because of their inability to pay.
After the Dobbs decision overturned Roe v. Wade in 2022, our fund received an influx of donations as folks sought to push back in meaningful ways against this attack on bodily autonomy and reproductive rights. We responded to an increase in clients needing support in accessing abortion care by hiring our first staff members. We’ve transitioned from an all volunteer-run board, to increase capacity and meet the ever-growing need for our services. This includes an influx of abortion seekers accessing care in Montana due to severe restrictions in their states of residence.
In a post-Roe era, we know that applying an inclusive approach is more critical than ever: with fewer protections, historically marginalized folks are the most harmed by the passage of oppressive policies and attacks on bodily autonomy. As part of our approach, we are committed to using gender-inclusive language in our work. Our 2023 name change is part of this, requested by Dr. Susan Wicklund and fully supported by our Board.
MAAP is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and an affiliate of the National Network of Abortion Funds.