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MAAP is here to help you navigate barriers to abortion care and get you the safe, compassionate, affordable abortion care you deserve.
MAAP offers support at all stages of accessing abortion care. Please fill out an application here. If you do not yet have an appointment scheduled, we will help connect you with a clinic. If you have already connected with the clinic, we will work closely with you and them to coordinate support. Find more information about Montana clinics here, and more information about what to expect when you reach out to us here.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed or have questions, reach out to us by phone or text at 406-224-7472 or email at [email protected].
MAAP can contribute to the cost of the abortion care appointment as well as practical support costs including travel expenses, lodging, food, and childcare.
Yes! We support folks traveling to Montana for care and Montanans traveling both in and out of state for care. If this applies to you, please fill out our application here.
Please see our resource on our partner clinics for specific information on scheduling your abortion care appointment. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or have questions, reach out to us by phone or text at 406-224-7472 or email at [email protected].
Abortion is accessible up to 21 weeks and 6 days (about five months) in Montana. Medication abortions are available up to 11 weeks and procedural abortions are available up to 21 weeks 6 days into pregnancy. There are also robust medication-by-mail programs in Montana. Read more about places you can access abortion care.
Whether you’re having a medication or procedural abortion, the provider should talk with you about your options and answer your questions. You’ll fill out paperwork and may have some basic tests done, such as an ultrasound to determine your gestational age (how far along you are in your pregnancy). Along with providing information about how to take care of yourself after the procedure, the healthcare provider may offer to go over which contraception (birth control) options might work best for you. Most importantly, you should feel listened to and cared for throughout your experience.
Yes! In 2023, we changed our name from the Susan Wicklund Fund to the Montana Abortion Access Program to be more clear about what we do and to make it easier for people to find us. To learn more please see our About Us page.
We are committed to using gender-inclusive language because we know people of many genders have abortions. New research from the Guttmacher Institute’s Abortion Patient Survey indicates that LGBTQ+ people, including individuals who do not identify as women, make up as many as 16% of US abortion patients. We know that folks with many gender identities access abortion care and that the barriers to abortion care are systemic and intersectional and our approach must match that reality.
We affirm that the fight for the right to make reproductive decisions about one’s own body is inexorably linked with all other fights for bodily autonomy. We stand in solidarity and gratitude for all those who fought to protect and expand these rights. We build off this enduring legacy in solidarity with all those continuing this fight to protect our right to bodily autonomy.
There is a lot of misinformation about abortion aimed at preventing people from accessing the care they need. We’ve put together some of the most commonly asked questions about abortion care so that you are empowered to make informed decisions for your unique situation, health, and well-being. You know what’s best for yourself; we’re here to support you.
MAAP offers support at all stages of accessing abortion care. Please fill out an application here. If you do not yet have an appointment scheduled, we will help connect you with a clinic. If you have already connected with the clinic, we will work closely with you and them to coordinate support. Find more information about Montana clinics here, and more information about what to expect when you reach out to us here.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed or have questions, reach out to us by phone or text at 406-224-7472 or email at [email protected].
MAAP can contribute to the cost of the abortion care appointment as well as practical support costs including travel expenses, lodging, food, and childcare.
Yes! We support folks traveling to Montana for care and Montanans traveling both in and out of state for care. If this applies to you, please fill out our application here.
Please see our resource on our partner clinics for specific information on scheduling your abortion care appointment. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or have questions, reach out to us by phone or text at 406-224-7472 or email at [email protected].
Abortion is accessible up to 21 weeks and 6 days (about five months) in Montana. Medication abortions are available up to 11 weeks and procedural abortions are available up to 21 weeks 6 days into pregnancy. There are also robust medication-by-mail programs in Montana. Read more about places you can access abortion care.
Whether you’re having a medication or procedural abortion, the provider should talk with you about your options and answer your questions. You’ll fill out paperwork and may have some basic tests done, such as an ultrasound to determine your gestational age (how far along you are in your pregnancy). Along with providing information about how to take care of yourself after the procedure, the healthcare provider may offer to go over which contraception (birth control) options might work best for you. Most importantly, you should feel listened to and cared for throughout your experience.
Yes! In 2023, we changed our name from the Susan Wicklund Fund to the Montana Abortion Access Program to be more clear about what we do and to make it easier for people to find us. To learn more please see our About Us page.
We are committed to using gender-inclusive language because we know people of many genders have abortions. New research from the Guttmacher Institute’s Abortion Patient Survey indicates that LGBTQ+ people, including individuals who do not identify as women, make up as many as 16% of US abortion patients. We know that folks with many gender identities access abortion care and that the barriers to abortion care are systemic and intersectional and our approach must match that reality.
We affirm that the fight for the right to make reproductive decisions about one’s own body is inexorably linked with all other fights for bodily autonomy. We stand in solidarity and gratitude for all those who fought to protect and expand these rights. We build off this enduring legacy in solidarity with all those continuing this fight to protect our right to bodily autonomy.
Below you can find a two-pager and postcard to use at events or to teach other people about MAAP’s work. If you have any questions about these documents, feel free to email [email protected].